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primary research



​Primary research methods can vary from observation, surveys, interviews, focus groups and marketing. Furthermore, out of all the above I feel surveys/ questionnaires are most appropriate. This way I can question a lot of people and getting specific answers. This is because the questions are tailored to my topic. I feel the most important aspect of my project to include in the questionnaire is more so the poster side as this is much more technical and detailed than a promotional video. For the promotional video I can look at existing footage as inspiration. People are most likely to know about posters and what would attract them. My questionnaire is simple and covers color, typography and overall appearance of posters as well as an explanation to increase my knowledge of their thoughts.





I will try and hand the questionnaire out to people in my target age (18-50) as this will give me the most reliable statistics. To the left is an example of the survey, please click the arrow to see the following page. â€‹



I will try and hand the questionnaire out to people in my target age (18-50) as this will give me the most reliable statistics. To the left is an example of the survey, please click the arrow to see the following page. â€‹




On the questionnaire the age bracket was supposed to go from 25 to 26 not 36. This is an error which I corrected when handing out.


After liaising with my teachers, I came to realise that my previous questionnaire had to be modified as the questions were quite open and the point of a questionnaire is to get obvious answers to help guide my design process.

To improve this, I went back and made the questionnaire more clear by making areas bold as my original questionnaire confused some people as they was unsure of how to answer it.


I also made the images bigger and explained what they were as this was another feature that confused people. Furthermore, I also explained vocabulary that may not be known by most people (for instance illustrative and graphically). 


Lastly, I added in a poster that I created myself just to see whether people would like it and they did! Everyone circled yes to each of the final questions, for instance is the poster visually interesting. 


The main thing which surprised me is that over 50% of participants opted for a more minimalistic poster. I thought that everyone would prefer the Elrow poster as it is quite busy, colourful but contains the cartoons. 2/3 of my participants circled 'all of the above' on the first question which means that a poster attracts them if it is visually engaging and ultimately contains relevant information. Lastly, I discovered that a mixture of people liked both saturated posters, contrasting and bright posters so this didn't give me a clear indicator as it was a pretty equal turn out. However, I really like the look of black and white posters but am open to experiment with ideas when I begin designing.

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