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To the left is a presentation created as an overall outline of the project at hand. At this exact moment I was without a client brief so I had to adapt. However, this is pretty much a digital mind-map outlining everything my project will consist of for instance, background information on the client and existing promotional material and why I think it is successful.







"Hidden Assemble Event Proposal - April 28th/29th 2017


Ibiza. The beacon of light in the clubbing world. Unparalleled parties week-in week-out throughout the whole of the summer. Incredible lineups, unbelievable locations and unrivalled hedonism. 


Then we also have city partying. Winters of dark basements, big bass lines and mind-blowing light shows. A city is a hub for music, a place to create and platform to perform. A busy metropolis filled with different people with different agendas, but, phenomenally for them few hours when the come together at the club they listen to music they dance together as one. 


Our vision is to infuse these two important club cultures and the event that will come of it will be truly spectacular and memorable. 


Over two days we will create a show of music and light, transforming the space at the Generator so that it is barely recognisable. We want to create an environment that encapsulates all of the best aspects of clubbing. Rave culture is about going out and making friends through a mutual love of music and this is exactly the vibe we wish to capture. 


Our idea is to have two separate rooms. One will be a shrine to the underground club scene. Here we will be working with (ENTER NAME OF THE LIGHTING PEOPLE HERE) t create a stunning light show that goes with the music and builds to a climax as the night draws to a close. 


In the other room, we will try and create a little piece of the Balearics in the heart of Dublin. Here the music will be lighter and the decorations will be a lot brighter. In this room we will have 3 themes that will change throughout the day. The themes are Cowboys and Indians, South American and Superheros. Using actors in costumes and props we will create a mood of wonder and amazement that you rarely get in an inner-city club. Moreover, the music will go with the themes to further create a fully immersive experience for the crowd. 


With correct branding and coverage of the event, we believe this will be brilliant publicity for both of us. People are looking for different experiences. More and more people are travelling abroad for these kind of experiences, imagine if this was bought to them on a plate. Furthermore, more immediately than the long term benefits of the publicity created, the weekend will be highly profitable. We have a lot combined experience throwing all sorts of parties and we have a tried and tested promotion formula that has been very successful. 


In terms of budget, running our numbers we believe there is a lot of room for profit. We will be selling both weekend and single day tickets. As this is our launch event we want to keep the tickets as competitively priced as possible to ensure people are through the door. We envisage selling approx 150 'Weekend Tickets' (priced at €20) then allocating 300 'Single Day' tickets for both the Saturday and Sunday (Priced at €15 per day). As we are sure you'll agree, this is a fantastic opportunity for us to work together and not only benefit financially, but almost as importantly, create a buzz and get people talking. 








We have teamed up with the radio stations... This will frequently announce the name of the venue and the event thus generating interest in both. Moreover, in one of the rooms our plan is to have a type of live-gallery for an artist to showcase their work. This means the artist will create their piece live infront of people with the hope of it possibly selling once they are done. Even if it doesn't sell, people will be posting this on their social medias creating exposure for all involved (note: we're thinking a graffiti artist creating a piece one day and a regular painter coming up with something the day after). Finally, we have teamed up with a vintage clothing outlet who will have a stand selling vintage clothing, our clothing and any generator branded clothing whist promoting their brand to our crowd. 


In terms of capturing the event, we have a fantastic cinematographer on board"



How do I describe my business?

We are an event management company that specify in throwing techno events. We curate line-ups from all ends of the techno spectrum and regularly fly in artists from America and Germany. We use online advertising and promotion as our main form of advertisement so it is highly important for us to create new, fresh and exciting content to keep our target audience engaged.

What do I want Rosie to do?

Create an after movie for our upcoming event in Manchester and also produce artwork for our follow-up event that we will have confirmed soon.

How will we measure the success of what Rosie does?

By what kind of reaction we get on social media. Good videos can usually expect to get between 5-10k views and this is what we would be hoping for.

Who is our target audience?

People that like techno music between the ages of 18-30ish

What message do you need to convey?

That we throw a serious party and come to our next one!

When do I want it to be done by?

1 week after the event on Saturday.




'Promotional Content Production'

After liaising with Sam, I've decided to create the promotional video and also potentially some promotional posters as something to add on to the project.The thought of creating a video seems quite daunting as I rarely film, so to throw myself into filming a club scene in dim lighting will be a challenge but if I don't challenge myself, I will never grow as a media student. Please follow the link below to see my project research.

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