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The main starting point for me is to see what the competition is and to give me inspiration to make my own poster and video. Seeing as I have never done this before, its quite a daunting task to work to a real client and although Sam is my brother, this is still a real brand and needs to be of a high standard. 

Circoloco Poster

DC10 is one of my favourite clubs ever and their posters never fail to impress. Although this is quite busy, the main focus of attraction is the clown face which is their logo. Not only that, but the use of the multi- coloured fonts combined with the ragged typography compliment each other so well to produce a really engaging poster which instantly makes an audience either want to attend or at least find out more. The thing I love most is the use of imagery in the background. Although the poster is busy, the background still adds but doesn't take the attention away from the centre or DJ list. Plus the name 'Circoloco' is such a renown party along with the neon font makes for a great poster which definitely suits and portrays the vibe of the party very well.


Ants Poster

Ants is also another huge party and their posters always follow the same theme- black and white along with their logo, the ant. This poster is so simple yet so striking. The use of the bold font with tight kerning instantly makes the poster dominative and eye- catching. Circoloco is colourful and busy however that is what the event is like whereas this poster is sleek, sophisticated and the designers didn't need to try to hard because this layout says everything that had to be advertised.


Zoo Project Poster

I LOVE this poster. My favourite aspect is the way the white space contrasts the bold colours of the rainforest. Usually in these types of promotional posters there isn't much white space as they're so busy however this works so well and suggests that the event is professional, well- planned and somewhere that you should go. The only aspect I'm not loving is the title in the centre. Although it contrasts and stands out from the background, this poster is obviously advertising Zoo Project, and I feel the use of the massive title takes away from the beauty and intricate details of the painting, it makes it look slightly more cheaper.


Space Ibiza Poster

This isn't my favourite Space poster ever produced, nonetheless I do love the colour scheme and for that reason I added it to my research. As I previously said I am a fan of a saturated poster but I appreciate how the use of font, and 'fiesta' compliments the colour scheme and illustrations. The event was in November which is close to the end of the year and I feel the sunset concept captures this exceptionally. 


Sankeys Poster

I am always drawn to Sankeys posters and something that has become apparent is that most promotional videos and posters follow a theme for instance these ones always include the black and yellow stripes- so this is an element I must consider. 


Ministry of Sound Poster

This poster links to the Sankeys because of the colour scheme. Yellow and black contrast in a good way and definitely work well in relaying a party theme- similar to the black and white photos. In this series of posters Ministry has created slogans for each poster for instance 'Our House Is Your House'. The slogan for Hidden Assemble is 'An Unrivalled Party Experience' and I'm getting inspiration from these to do something similar. One aspect I also love about this series is the use of a really basic, caplitalised font. In most posters designers have been commissioned to design a type face which is cool, but I prefer using Impact or something similar as it's simple but highly attractive.

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