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An Unrivalled Party Experience









 Dealing with a professional brief requires a range of skills, including the ability to negotiate, the creative ability to come up with ideas, and the specific technical skills needed to realise those ideas. Good interpersonal skills are also needed, as there is a need to be able to enter into someone else’s mind to some extent in order to get to know what they really want. Relations with clients are not always straightforward or easy. Learners will apply the skills, knowledge and understanding they have developed in other units to the management of a media production either by undertaking and managing an individual assignment or through taking a major role in a production team which is broken down into several smaller teams, possibly encompassing several different media.


You are encouraged to find a genuine brief for a real client, but you can also negotiate a professional-style brief with the teaching team.

After reading the brief I instantaneously thought of my brother who runs a music event in London and is conveniently working on establishing a night in other parts of the UK, for instance Dublin and Manchester.


As a budding graphic designer my first thought was to design posters, however, after consideration I thought that since this is my last FMP at Havering, I should step out of my comfort zone and challenge myself. Known to most tutors, my least- favourite subject on this course is film so what am I going to aim to do? Something film based!


Following this I went to my brother as he had previously asked me to create promotional artwork for the event about a month ago which I created prototypes but now this is my time to revisit and improve. Please click the link below to see my original designs created on Photoshop.


hidedn asseblem split idea
poster with paint
hidden assembleglitch
historical poster
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