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Potential Companies

In order to decide what way to go with my future, I need to be sure of what companies interest me as a way to get my CV seen is to physically send it in the post. I want to be part of a renown company as this will be the most reliable option which could lead to a full- time job after the apprenticeship contract ends.


J.P.Morgan was voted number 8 on Rate My Apprentiship. Although I'm not planning to become involved within the financial sector as a banker, I would be interested in becoming an assistant there. This is the main reason why I am working on gaining my Pitman qualification. I know multiple people that work at J.P.Morgan as PA's who all love going to work. Not only is the company the world's most 'profitable, respected and influencial bank', it has also been running for two hundred years, and this hasne't changed. J.P.Morgan assists operations in over 50 countries which means work will be fast paced and something different every day.

Bauer Media

Bauer Media is a network of multi platform brands, and Britain's biggest magazine publisher, which is the landscape I'm aiming to work in. Magazines published by Bauer include Take A Break, Closer and Britain's first glossy weekly, Grazia which is my favorite. A way to apply for apprenticeships in this company include going through GoThinkBig, however so many people apply through here so the likelihood of being noticed isn't high which is a downfall.


Hearst is another network of platforms that reach a quarter of British adults and a third of women! This company is my favorite out of this and Bauer as you are able to send your CV and cover letter by post which could mean it might be seen! I am looking to send mine off this week. The reason why I love Hearts is because it produces the UK's number 1 glossy mag, Cosmopolitan and to work in that environment would be amazing. However, other brands include ELLE, Harper's Bazar and ones I purchase very frequently, Reveal and Best.

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