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Info :

This is a sample of photography I have taken and images I have edited on Photoshop. I love this subject as anything goes. You could take one image, and by the power of Photoshop, could manipulate it into becoming something with so much more depth. Please scroll down for more.


This isn't exactly first hand photography. However, these are photos from my childhood I retouched and cropped on Photoshop to create an Elinor Carucci styled image relating to Human Interactions.


Using Peter Keetman's 'Reflective Drops' and the rule of thirds as inspiration, I created these saturated macro shots for my typology project.

Light Trails

This is my favourite form of photography as there are no rules! I was lucky enough to source fairy lights in which I was able to create some engaging and quirky images, my favourite being the saturated spiral as it's quite captivating.


This shoot was a great way to get myself thrown into the Journey project. Here I wanted to capture how a droplet transforms from something into nothing on its journey over a page. To vary my photos, I shot in macro mode but differentiating my angles and using Photoshop to warp the images to make them more compelling.

These are images I took on the Street Art Tour, some of which I attempted to make a grungy feel using the lens correction on Photoshop along with a lower contrast.

Shoreditch Street Art


This project was really just for fun, to try something different and to improve my skills at working with masked layers on Photoshop. It's was technical and time- consuming but I am definitely proud of the outcome.


This was another fun project to gain experience with working on a background. We worked in a dark room infront of a DIY black sheet to create these eerie photos and to add more ambience, I used Photoshop to increase the image's contrast and brightness. This was also my first time using a professional standard DSLR and I loved the smoothness of the shots.

Depth of Field

Using a Nikon D3200, I took these images to help improve my knowledge of depth of field, aperture and in general adjusting my lens manually to vary my focal points.


Since it was autumn, I took interesting surfaces, textures and patterns I found, as well as other quirky things which have all been manipulated on Photoshop to get them to their best potential.


Using Gergia O'Keef as inspiration, I captured images which tell a story  but only using hand gestures. At first  used a professional DSLR which was so much fun and the quality of the photos, eg the colouring and sharpness was amazing! However, I then switched to using a handmade pinhole camera. These images developed into really spooky photos


This is only a snippet of portraits I have taken, however, I am about to begin a portraiture project which I'm so exited about. Please check back soon...

Photoshop Edits

My main inspiration for the images with the white faces came from Amirali Ghasem and Carolle Benitah, who both explore people's body language to justify some sort of an identity. I used this concept to modify my own images which depict a sense of closeness without needing to see any facial expressions. The first image however, was modified with a motion blur to depict the life of an airport in a really early project I done.

Obscure Surfaces

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